"That Doesn't Even Make Any Sense"
When in France there was this restaurant that we ate at called "Flunch." We were going there for dinner. I was with my friend Carol and I made a little joke about how they should have called the restaurant "Flinner" instead. Haha.... hahaha..... ha.... The following conversation followed:
Carol: "What?"
Me: "Flinner! You know, Flunch. Dinner... Flinner!"
Carol: "What are you talking about?"
Me: "If we went there for lunch then it could be Flunch... but we're... um... doing... dinner. So instead of Flunch for lunch it's dinner at.... Flinner?"
Carol: *completely blank expression looking at me like I'm an idiot*
Me: "Never mind...."
Carol: *exasperated* "That doesn't even make any sense"
Me: as Cathryn would put it *facepalm*
Pete and RePete
Also when we were in Paris we attended the Paris ward for church. We didn't really have any hymnbooks. Or a bishopric really. We kind of just made up our own ward in a way. But we did have a keyboard and a girl who knew how to play some songs. So we sang "There Is A Green Hill Far Away" as our sacrament hymn. Except everyone forgot some of the verses. So we sang the same verse a couple of times. So hard not to snicker.
Florence: Homeless Shelter = Fun!
As you may remember Florence was where we stayed in the homeless shelter. We were fed a single roll for breakfast in the morning. One morning we also got a tiny cup of hot chocolate to go with it. But the second morning we were there the machine was broken so no hot chocolate. But we got a roll!
Anyway, what was really funny was Sunday morning. In a coed bathroom. With 44 girls and 6 sinks. You do the math.
Steven came in and there were three rows of girls in front of the sinks doing hair/makeup/the usuals (the front row bent down at the sink as low as she could go brushing teeth or doing her eyes, the second row was a little higher doing other makeup and the back row was usually doing hair). He looked around and his eyes got HUGE. "Holy girls!" he exclaimed. "That's right. We are holy!"
London: "Would I Like Some Vodka With That?"
We were at a restaurant in London one of our first nights in Europe. if you don't know me and my family, we are all BIIIIG water drinkers. Anyway, we went to eat at this place called the Stock Pot. The waiter came to our table of four with two glasses of water. He set one down in front of me and the other in front of Brittany who was sitting right beside me. As he turned away to go grab the other two glasses of water, I took the glass he set in front of me and drained it. The whole thing. I was thirsty, okay? The waiter turned back around and as he set down the other two glasses he looked down at mine. You should have SEEN his face! "Oh my! Did..." *looks at me* (English accent remember) "Woah! If you drink Vodka the way you drink water, take me drinking with you!" I think they told me my face was as red as a tomato. I'm pretty sure we burned all the calories of that whole meal from our laughing fit right there.
While at the airport in Cincinnati awaiting our flight to London, we were all lazing around with a four hour layover. All of us tired already form the traveling. Remember, I'd woken up around 2am and gotten a full maybe 3 hours sleep the night before. Anyway, one of the boys in our group came up to me and another girl who were just sitting around and asked us a question I thought was really odd:
Him: "Hey. Do either of you two have a 38C?"
Me: *thoroughly surprised* "Uhh..." *look at girl beside me who shakes her head wondering why he wants to know* "No...."
Him: *turning to another girl in the group* "It was 38C, wasn't it?"
Her: "Yeah! Or D."
Him: *looks at us expectantly again.. we both shake our heads, I'm totally flabbergasted that a guy would be asking this!*
He proceeded around the group for a while, getting all nos and I was completely surprised he had the guts to be asking all these girls that question. Until finally I heard a response that made it all make sense.
One of the girls: "No.. let's see... I have 14 F. I'm not sitting anywhere close to them."
Ohhhh, it was seat numbers! Apparently, one of the girls in the group wanted to know who she'd be sitting beside/near. Wow Dianna. Wow. Keep in mind I'm only including this because the people involved will hopefully never ever read this because I would be that embarrassed... Oi! I'm an idiot.
Again in Florence... Feed the Birds
This wasn't so funny as it was weird. Carol and I went to grab lunch one day at a market and then found this small group of benches on a square. There was a tree nearby and about four empty benches. We picked one, sat down, ate our food, and then began just talking feeding out little leftovers to the birds. After a minute or so I noticed this large lady dressed in what seemed like rags and quite frankly reminded me of the pigeon lady from Home Alone come toward us. Since there were three other benches I kind of ignored her. Until she was right up on me. I moved my purse as I saw her getting to sit right beside me. And by "right beside me" I mean there was about a foot and a half of room left on the bench there and she took up all of it. I held my purse tight and made sure I had a close eye on it and that's when the stench hit me. She was so close her side was rubbing me and she proceeded to take her grubby bag and place it in the NOT space in between us making things very crowded and uncomfortable. I looked around at the other three benches and then over at Carol. We both got up and walked away and the lady proceeded to just sit there. Weeeeird.....
Verona: Icky Pig!
We stopped in Verona only for a few hours. But there was this neat little market there. I saw this dead pig and wanted my picture by it. I was trying to act all evil and menacing. Just as my friend was going to take it this man came up behind me and grabbed me. No more evil face. I'm surprised she didn't get my cry of fear right before I tried to laugh it off and keep it cool. Sooo funny, and gross.
Concentration Camp:
We visited Mauthausen Concentration Camp while in Germany. At Mauthausen, the bus let us off at the bottom of the "Stairs of Death." A pile of steep terrible steps. We had to walk up them and along the cliff to get to the Concentration Camp.
We went through and afterwards the teachers told us all to use the bathroom before getting back on the bus. Long story short, one of the girls got lost. No it wasn't her fault at all. Even the teachers realized there was nothing she could have done except have extra batteries for her sister's radio which died (she loaned her radio to her sister and so didn't get the memo that the bus was in a different place). She didn't get in trouble, but she did go back down the steps to go to the bus and slipped on the way. Needless to say after waiting about fifteen tense minutes we were so happy to have her back and she was happy to see us. She thought we'd left without her, even though her identical twin sister was on the bus and would never have let us leave without her. Awww.
When we were in Salzburg they played the movie the Sound of Music every single night we were there. We went to some of the filming sites. This is the one where the kids are jumping up and down on the steps. I made Tessa and Amy do this with me. You can see how happy Tessa was about it. Haha, not sure.... The Salzburg Castle is in the background (yes we walked all the way up there) and just barely below the castle on the left is the Abbey where Maria lived.
French Kiss... For Reals
We stopped for only a few minutes by the Amiens Cathedral on the way to Paris. We got out for a few minutes to look at it. Long story short, one of the girls in our group got a kiss. On the lips. By a French guy she'd met about ten minutes before. You can only imagine how the bus full of 43 other girls acted for the next two hours to Paris. Bahahahahahahaha! Actually, the teacher gave her more flak than anyone.
Mind The What?
One of our teachers had served his mission in Vienna so he was telling us about life there. As we walked around, there were many horse carriages and so came the random blobs of brown goo in the streets. As the group watched a particular horse do it's business the teacher gave us a wise piece of advice.
"In London," he said, "It was mind the gap. But here, the rule is to mind the crap."