I'm sore. I've been exercising more and more lately and today and yesterday was particularly hard. Especially since now I have an ITouch. I get so bored running and doing the elliptical at the gym it's nice to finally have cool music to listen to!
Oh yeah, I got an ITouch!!! As much as I despise Apple and am risking being disowned by my family for giving them money, I have to say Microsoft has nothing close to an ITouch (that I know of). This little device is incredible, plus I got a fantastic deal on it! The only negative is the back is a little scratched up, but it came with a free case so you can't even tell.
My old roommate Kassie got married a few weeks ago and her reception was on Saturday in Blackfoot. I rode down with Alyson who is Kassie's sister Kellie's (who was also my roommate) husbands sister. Yeah, see if you can figure that out! Alyson happens to be in my ward this semester and we remembered each other from back when Kellie and Alex (her husband and Alyson's sister) we dating. Anyway, I rode to Blackfoot with Alyson and her boyfriend, Brian. This is us by the giant potato in front of the potato museum in Blackfoot. Yep, Idaho has a potato museum. Stop laughing.
I got to the reception and Kassie and Joe were standing at the front meeting people. When I walked in Kassie's mom said she had to hold her back because she was jumping up and down trying to run to me! We hadn't seen each other since last July! My horribly wrapped present went over well. At least I thought. See, once I got there and saw the table with all the beautifully wrapped pink gifts with ribbons and expensive bags and such, I became very self-conscious of my magazine wrapped gift. And then I realized I'd forgotten a card. As I walked into the room a little boy came over and offered to take my present to the table. I gave it to him and decided to disown the gift after that. No one saw me! I was safe!
And then last night Joe and Kassie came up to Rexburg. They came by my apartment to say another goodbye until January. While there, they mentioned the gift. "Yeah, you know we had this incredibly strange gift you may know something about." I had no idea how they figured me out. Since a lot of Joe's old roommate's who I'm sure were perfectly capable of doing the same thing were there, I thought I was safe.
And then they explained that my magazine I had used still had the address on it. It said Apt. 23 and since I live in Apt. 23 they knew it was me. Blast it! I hadn't even thought about that! Ah well. They said thanks. :)
This is Joe, Kassie and me.
I don't know why I do this to myself. Kassie is seriously one of the most beautiful girls I know and I feel so hideous and fat and ugly standing beside her. But I love being with her because she's so stinkin' awesome! And Joe is incredible too. Seriously, this is my third year at BYU-I... I've seen a lot of weddings/marriages. But theirs is definitely the one I'm happiest with and I think it'll just be fantastic! I'm so happy for them! Kassie really is one of my most favorite roommates I've ever had and Joe is so great. I'm so glad I get to be friends with them!
Speaking of favorite roommates, I've been going to the gym with my old roommate Ashley lately. And by "lately" I mean yesterday. But we're trying to go every M/W/F at 6:45am. Early, I know. But hey, maybe it'll be good. I miss rooming with Ashley. She's also a favorite roommate. I love going to the gym with her. We both think the other is more in shape, but actually I think we're about the same. Although I really do think she's thinner. Anyway, I like going to the gym with her because I push myself harder when she's around and I feel more wiped out when I'm done. We also have plans to go rock climbing and canoeing this semester. I'm so excited!
And continuing with awesome roommates, I seriously have some of the best this semester! We all get along so well. There hasn't been any fighting or even bad feelings or anything. It's so nice! I love my roommies!
This is them eating my totally awesome apple pie. And that reminds me, I never showed pics of my apple pie so here they are. It looked better before it went in the oven. But it tasted great! At least my roommates said so.
Anyway, I should probably get back to work. All my homework has kind of just piled on me at the last minute (well, no it was more that I knew about it and chose to let it pile up to the last minute but... you know, I'm the victim here!) so I better go. So on a slightly related note (studying), I'll leave you with this final picture. This was my desk during finals week last semester. I had everything I needed. Book, notes, study guide, paper, pen, and most importantly, food,
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