Maybe it's because I got my face painted! I must have been too cute to yell at tonight.
They come and do face painting for my area every other Halloween party, and since I've worked all but two of them, it's a wonder I haven't gotten my face painted yet. But I did tonight. I told them to do whatever, just not too extravagant. I think she actually did a pretty good job!
Minus my terrible hair, but keep in mind this picture was taken after the very long night.
My nametag also came in, finally today. I got to be Dianna again! And then everyone at work kept calling me Chris as a joke and asking if I was sure Dianna was my real name. My old nametag I left pinned to my vest when I turned it back in.
I feel like I've been running a hundred miles an hour for the past week nonstop. I've been averaging about 5 or 6 hours of sleep every night. Which is why I really should be in bed right now. But I'm not.
I have tons to do tomorrow... like a never ending to do list. Which is weird because I was hoping that when I'm not in school I wouldn't have any worries or stresses outside of work. Unfortunately, I have managers to deal with, a car that needs work, friends to plan things for, departure dates to figure out, and a whole religion to deal with.
But it's okay because I love my life! Maybe I'll get back to telling cool stories later.
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