Thursday, June 7, 2012

Funny Guests

As stressful and difficult it can be to work with guests, I do miss it sometimes.  It makes for great stories, that's for sure.  A few weeks ago I was working Safaris.  I was at the departure dock opening the gates to let guests on.  This woman came up to me and asked in her cute English accent, "How can you be so jolly with all these darn people around!?"  I appreciated the compliment. :)

Today I was working the Fastpass entrance queue.  A family came up to me and I noticed the older couple had on the "Happy Anniversary" buttons.  As I let them through I said, "Oh!  Happy anniversary!  How many years?"  The husband answered, "50!"  "Wooooow.  That's wonderful, congratulations!  That sure is a long time." "Yeah, well.  It wasn't all with the same one.  It's fifty all combined together ya know."  He said this sarcastically enough that even I realized it was a joke and the whole family was laughing.  I didn't quite know how to respond.  Then he continued.  "She's my fifth.  Every ten years or so I get an upgraded edition.  This is the best one yet."  The old woman walked past me laughing, "Yeah, right.  Do I look like an upgraded edition?"

I can't believe he said that about his wife.  But I couldn't stop laughing about it for five minutes.

Also, I have to admit, I still haven't stopped using my elephant fact of, "The mother elephant carries it's babies for 22 months!"  I can't get enough of hearing the little kids in the back ask their parents, "But mom... where does the mommy carry the baby?"  Those conversations get really funny, really quickly.

Also, I got to see baby warthogs for the first time today!  I'm so happy I finally get to see them!

What a great day!  People really are quite funny.

1 comment:

dubby said...

all babies are cute, I thought, but it's hard to imagine a cute warthog.