Friday, June 22, 2012


In case I haven't mentioned it before, they tried to update CDS again this week.  And, again, it keeps crashing.  Fortunately, the updates continue to improve and I didn't have tons of trouble.  Just that random, uncalled for logging you out in the middle of something.  Annoying.  I wonder if it'll be any better today than it was Tuesday, the last day I worked.

I feel like a lot has happened lately.  My roommate and I tried to go to the beach on Wednesday because we both actually had the day off together!  Super exciting actually!  We went to Port Canaveral.  We were on the beach for less than an hour before they closed it down due to weather, though.  Unfortunate... but we also got to go in the cool shops... and had roommate/girl bonding time.  It was fun!

Thursday I went to EPCOT with a friend.  And then Institute was that night.  I stayed after and played basketball with some guys.  Apparently there's this game called "21" in basketball which is basically 1 on 1 plus 1.  We were each on our own team individually.  Three players.  I scored 2.1 points, thank you very much!  I ended up making them count when I hit the rim as .1 point because I fail so bad!  Actually, I'd rather look at it as the fact that Mike is just really good.  I'm not sure they necessarily went along with my .1 idea.. but I liked it!  In my defense I was playing barefoot (I didn't wear basketball shoes to Institute). (Also, I just noticed that 2.1 is 21 with a dot... so technically... I should have won, right?)

Anyway.  This morning I went to work my first official shift at Give Kids the World by myself.  I worked in the Hula Hut and set out breakfast and such for people to come eat.  It was a lot of fun, actually.  I seriously can't even WAIT to volunteer again.  This is just such a great organization and I learn so much from the people I work with.  Everyone just has such interesting stories.

So now I'm headed off to work soon.  I'm in Merchandise today.  Recently they've been sending us all around the department.  I didn't even realize I was technically trained in Foods and Merch, but I've been working shifts there so I guess it's good.  But I do miss Operations.  I miss the people in Operations and I miss the structure.  Foods is the least structured.  When I worked there I literally just answered the radio when it rang.  I didn't have to worry about regular updates or the number of minutes we were behind on breaks or even the bumpouts!  Crazy!  Merch is a little harder, and we do give regular updates.  It's a lot more straightforward than Ops though.  You can just drop certain registers if you have to and you don't have to worry about safety critical things in most areas.

I love Ops.  It just feels like home.  I'll be back tomorrow.  But today is Merch.  Also the new interns started this week.  And one of them shadowed me on Sunday!  I decided I like it when people shadow me.  It makes me feel like I know what I'm doing! Gosh I love my job!

1 comment:

dubby said...

Thank you for my present. Best ever.