Monday, July 23, 2012

Cast Members Overheard

I was in the cafeteria the other day and overheard these girls talking about their schedules.

"I'm so excited, I actually have a real weekend next week!"

"Oh, that's so exciting!"

"Yeah, two entire days off, I don't even know what I'm gonna do!"

"Is it Fri/Sat, or Sat/Sun?"


"Or did you get Sun/Mon?"

"No, no.  It's not a real real weekend.  It's Tues/Wed, but it's two full days!  I'm so happy!"

It's okay, CPs.  Someday you'll get a real real weekend. :)

Also at work yesterday I was sitting at the Merch table (the most boring table during the day, but at night, Foods becomes slightly more boring).  We have TV screens that play the news all day but the sound is off.  I wasn't watching the TV, but overheard some people talking about what was on TV.

"I can't figure out what this commercial is for!"

"I thought it was for adult diapers?"

"But with football players?"

"Why would football players need adult diapers?"

At this point I curiously looked up.  Just in time to see the "Febreeze" logo shoot across the screen.

Note to Febreeze advertisers: Yer doin' it wrong.

Then again, both adult diapers and football players smell nasty... so they may have a point.

Anyway, today's terribly sad.  It's the first day of my weekend.  I was so happy to finally get to see the sun.  And it's raining.  Can't go to the pool.  Don't wanna go to Disney World.  And there's nothing to do but clean the apartment.

Ah well.  Maybe tomorrow.  After all, I have a real two day weekend this week! (First time in a month!)

1 comment:

dubby said...

oh boo. I love you and wish you could come up here for your fake weekend.