Thursday, May 23, 2013

Office Woes

I made a mistake yesterday.  A very embarrassing mistake.

I misspelled my own name.

No no.  Not just that.  I misspelled my own name on my signature to my emails from a certain computer in our office.  Meaning, that every email I sent out to people... professional emails... from our team's inbox, which is professional, I have a very definite misspelled name.

So. Embarrassing.

Fortunately, I caught the mistake.  I think I recovered all the emails I sent out and fixed it all.

There's a guy in the office who likes to tease me for being blonde. (PS, I'm not blonde... not visually anyway)

"How could you misspell your own name?!"  He asked me, laughing, "Wow... just wow..."

For those curious I accidentally hit the 'm' twice as the last letter of my last name.  That's all.

I'm gonna go crawl under a rock now.  Don't mind me.

1 comment:

dubby said...

And I think you accidentally put an extra n in your first name as well. Just sayin'