Friday, May 17, 2013

On Life

When it comes to making big decisions in life, there are two parts of me that pull me in two different directions.

There's the human, lazy side of me that wants to go the easy way.  I'd rather not have responsibilities and appointments and relationships.  I'd rather spend my days at home, relaxing with not a care or stress in the world.  And chocolate.  Lots of chocolate.

Then there's the realistic side of me.  The part that realizes that if I really did live that way, I'd be depressed and pathetic.  The realistic side of me loves to have things to do, to feel needed and wanted.  It makes me feel busier than I can handle at some times.  And yes, it gets me to the point of being angry and stressed... but I guess sometimes I'd rather have stronger emotions than none at all... right?

Well.  This week I finally made it to full time status in my job.  I actually got it last Sunday but they weren't able to tell me until yesterday.  Long story.

Regardless, as excited as I was to get to that point, I suddenly thought, "Great! what?"  Now what do I work for?

To be honest, I absolutely LOVE my life right now.  I love my job and the people I work with.  I love Disney and getting to play there.  I love Florida and the beaches.  I love all the opportunity for parties and places to go around here!  I love Give Kids the World and the volunteer work I do there and the incredible people that I meet there.  I love my church, my friends, my apartment, the weather, the shopping, and did I mention?  Disney!

I just want it all to freeze right here right now.  I want to spend my free time playing with my friends, and my work time... well... playing with my friends! (okay yeah, I actually work too, haha)  I want my life to continue in this (mostly) stress free world full of Disney World and joy.

But the realistic part of me realizes I need to keep going.  Keep moving forward.  Keep opening new doors and finding new things.  Keep learning and growing.  Keep meeting new people and making new relationships.  Keep creating.  Keep thinking.

Well, the good part, I guess, is that the realistic part of me usually wins.  I won't go into detail, but I'm working on opening new doors.

I love this part of my life!  Love love love love love it!


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Congratulations! Hooo-ah!

dubby said...

I have pretty much always felt the same way. I remember when you were guys were 3, 5, 7, and 9 just wishing I could freeze time! I think that was the best. But I love my life today as well. As the screensaver comes on reviewing all kinds of wonderful things I've done and been in my life, I am truly happy. Thanks for being a fantastic person who has truly added to my joy.