Saturday, September 4, 2010


I have two costumes this year! The first is for park greeter. It looks horrible, but is super comfortable. I know these are terrible pictures of me but I really wanted to show off my costumes...

And this is my PAC costume. At least it would be except for the hole you can see in my right knee. That's because I fell. On the ground. In front of a thousand people. And hurt myself. And my pride. And my pants.

It was actually kind of funny because immediately after I fell, I had about five people on me making sure I was okay and really the only reason I was upset was because I was scared of having to pay for these stupid pants! I know if you lose them they charge you $120 directly out of your pay check.

But my trainer assured me I wouldn't be charged. So all is good in the world. Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Obliviocelot said...

You look really great in the PAC costume. ...What's PAC?