Monday, June 20, 2011

Working Out

If you want to screw up your legs, just go up and down the stairs at a local stadium about a hundred times.

No, seriously. Today, instead of the gym, I went to the stadium and went up and down each individual stair at least twice. Which doesn't sound like much, but let me tell you, stadiums are HUGE and have gazillions of stairs.

My legs started shaking uncontrollably and they felt a little like jello as I walked around for a while. Weird...


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

I prefer mountains. The scenery is better.

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

I updated my blog with Rocky Mountain pics I took yesterday.

Ashley said...

Nice Job Dianna! Ya know even though I am not in your header anymore :(:( I still feel like I am since you and Stanzie are both wearing my clothes! haha!