Monday, May 11, 2009

Hallo From Vienna!

Iäve mostlz just been sending mz parents emails, but I figured Iäd grace zou with mz presence tonight! Sorrz, but the z on the kezboard is gone and I canät find it. Oh... y there.. I found the y. But Iäm too layz to tzpe it so zouäre just gonna have to deal.

Anzwaz, Iäm definitelz having the time of mz life here! Iäm a little bummed that mz roomies tonight decided to staz in the hotel from 6 oäclock on. We had dinner at 5. But there was nothing else to do. I took an amaying shower and washed mz laundrz in the sink. I canät wait to be back in the states where I can take real showers and have real clean clothes. Ew, and not smell cigarette smoke ALL THE TIME! Zeah, someone just started smoking beside me.

I saw Beethoven decomposing todaz. Well, I didnät actuallz get to see his bosz, but we went to his grave as well as Schubertäs and Straussä and a few other dead guzs! Brahms was there too I think. And there was a memorial for Moyart!

At dinner thez wouldnät let us drink water. I had to stick with apple juice. What kind of restaurant doesnät serve water!? Seriouslz!!!

Umm, Viennaäs cool. Good food I guess. Except for the water lackage. I woke up at 5 this morning so we could hop on the plane at 8 and flz here from Verona. I think thatäs wehere we were. Weäve been to SO MANZ CITIES I canät even keep up!

Oh, the apostophe kez is somewhere, but as zouäve probablz noticed Iäve been too layz to deal with that as well. Teehee!

Wow, what else.... Weäre going to Schonbrunn palace tomorrow (excuse the spelling). Iäm prettz excited for that but not as excited as I am for the Belvedere Palace. Oh zeah! Weäre also going to go see a concert bz Moyart. Obviouslz, Moyartäs not conducting but itäll be his Concerto in C and something else. As zou can probablz tell mz brainäs super layz right now. I havenät had much sleep latelz.

A girl got hit in the face with a vine and is now practicallz blind. I donät know her verz well, but I just found out this morning. Sheäs at the hospital now. I hope sheäs okaz. Apparentlz she was allergic to the vine.

Another girläs luggage got lost on the flight todaz! Sad daz!!! I feel so bad for her. Apparentlz she had just bought 50 bucks worth of great lengerie (Sorrz, iäm not totallz sure how to spell that... haha). I hope thez find it!

Weäre stazing in a hotel-hostel tzpe thing now. Definitelz better than the homeless shelter in Florence where I was literallz eaten alive bz those nastz Italian mosquitoes! Ickz! I have a gayillion bug bites. I hope the word hzdrocortiyone is the same in German as it is in English. I havenät gone looking zet though. Mazbe I should get on that!

Oh, so the downside to our hotel-hostel thing (thatäs supposed to be a slash bz the waz but I canät find the slash kez, Iäll have to pull a seriouslz so blessed move and just write it out (onlz some people will get the, teehee!).

ANzwaz, itäs 75 steps up to our room. Goodz! Did I mention I took a shower and it was wonderful! And then I washed mz laundrz. In the sink. Bz hand. Which sucks. Seriouslz. Ick! I canät wait for Idaho.

Although another part of me never ever wants this trip to end. I love the people. I love the sites. I love not having to worrz abuot getting food (mz professors take good care of that. Weäve onlz had to skip two meals so far! haha). I love life and the excitement!

And I donät want to go home because I know I have a million and a half papers there waiting for me!

But I love Vienna! We found Lederhosen (again, no idea how to spell that). It was awesome. And ridiculouslz expensive. Iäve alwazs wanted a beer stein too. But again, too expensive.

Boz do I have awesome pics for zou guzs when I get back! I have so manz cool pictures I wonät even know when to start. But anzwaz, mazbe I should go. I hope zou weäre able to get through this mess okaz. Sorrz, but Iäm just super tired. Iäve basicallz been permanentlz tired this whole trip. So mazbe I will go to bed earlz. I just felt lousz hanging out in a hotel room for so long when Iäm in EUROPE! Iäve gotta find more adventurous people!

We might see an Opera Wednesdaz. Onlz five bucks apparentlz! Canät wait!

Okaz, for real. Iäm leaving! Love zou all! Iäm having an amaying time! Trz not to be too jealous!

1 comment:

Obliviocelot said...

LOL! Reading this is like trying to decipher something that's half-encoded. "I hope the word 'hydrocortizone' is the same in German as it is in English." Hahahahahahaha!

If you find somewhat inexpensive beer steins, can you get me a cool-looking one? I'll reimburse you.