Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why I Feel Well Balanced... and Classes and stuff

I slept for 11 hours last night. Ahhhh, it felt so stinkin' good!

Looks like this semester I'm going to be the messiest person in the apartment. My roommates are all super cleaners. Although I think it's had a good effect on me. I've actually been making my bed (ch, yeah, we'll see how long that continues..) Anyway, maybe it's just cuz it's the first week of school but our apartment is so clean you'd wonder if people even lived here.

So far all my classes seem fun and manageable. However, there are so many of them it's a lot to think about. I have so many different assignments for different classes due on different days that I'm freaking out every minute scared that a due date is gonna pass me by. I'm just going to have to be mega careful about putting every single thing in my planner. Unfortunately I learned yesterday that my planner isn't big enough to fit everything that I need to do. I'm going to have to come up with a better system. I feel like my classes this semester are requiring a lot more work and effort than any of my other classes have before. Maybe it's cuz I'm a Junior and I'm taking upper level classes. Or maybe I'm just getting dumber. Hmmm...

My roommates all seem cool. It's only the second day so I really don't know them that well yet. One's a first semester freshman (my room roommate) and the other two are sophomores who knew each other pretty much since day one, I think. But do you get what that means? For the first time in history I'm the oldest one in this apartment. I've always been the youngest and suddenly I'm bumped up to oldest.

That's really no big deal at all... I just thought I share it with you. It'll be a weird change. Actually, things will probably just stay the same. Hmmm...

I haven't really met anyone from the ward yet; although I've seen some people around and did the whole smile and wave, "How are you?" thing. It's been fun.

I'm definitely not loving this disgusting, horrible weather. I'm actually wondering how I've survived it the past two years and I find myself wondering daily why anyone would want to live here! The snow is disgusting, the mountains are gray and gross, the cold eats my face alive, just the feeling of being outside makes me want to cry and I have to pay attention to every step I take when I'm out there telling myself, "Be careful, because this next step could be my last." Stupid ice.

Kay I'm done. I like school. I like my classes. My teachers all seem fun so far (although it's only the second day.. things could totally change). And, most importantly, there are super cute, available, decent guys everywhere. :)

1 comment:

dubby said...

Life is hugely different - no car, LDS everywhere, cold, etc. Good luck!