Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Day

I had no idea how much I missed Rexburg but when I stepped off the bus yesterday afternoon I realized it. I certainly did NOT miss the weather though. Icky snow that turns black and brown and the nasty slush that gets EVERYWHERE and the ugly overcast sky ALL the time... blech! But I missed college and friends and living in a place with... well... I can't say less rules, but I have different freedoms here that I didn't have at Disney.

Anyway, today was the first day of classes. I've only been to 2 so far. Spanish was this morning. The teacher didn't speak any English for the first ten minutes of class and I wished I could have taken a picture of all the students faces as he rambled along in Spanish. I guess that's what I get for taking the advanced beginners course instead of just beginners. Fortunately, I was able to follow along with every word he said (he spoke slowly and clearly and kept the conversation very simple). I even raised my hand and responded to one of the questions in Spanish! Unfortunately, I had to pay attention ridiculously hard and as I left class my brain hurt. Yeah, I now understand the feeling of a brain actually hurting without a headache. Ugh!

Next was American Humanities. One of the girls I did the study abroad tour with last year is in my class so that was nice. I was a little nervous for this class because I heard some bad stuff about the teacher. So far he seems great. He's funny and knows what he's talking about... I am a little worried though about assignments. He's not very clear about what's due when. For example on the syllabus it says "CR #1" as due for tomorrow before 9pm. But he didn't really explain what that was and we don't have class tomorrow. Fortunately, someone raised their hand and asked and he said he'd post something on ILearn and we had to respond to it and our groups. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I understand everything I have to do and all, he's just not very clear about getting it across. As of next week at this time I'll have already memorized one piece of American literature and taken a music quiz.

Anyway, I have a TON to do. I want to write more but I have to be somewhere at 2 and then my next class is at 3:45 and I still have to exchange one of my books and somehow make a grocery list and get to the store today. I'm still in stress mode. Ah well. It'll be over soon.

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