Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bountiful Basket

Exactly the name of something you'd find in Mormonville, USA, right? Bountiful Basket

Our apartment went ahead and bought one and picked it up this morning. The Bountiful Basket is this thing where you basically pay $20 (it's usually $15, but there's a $5 start up fee) and they give you a big basket of fresh fruits and vegetables. Basically the excess of what the farmers sell in the area or something...

It's pretty cool. We got bananas, apples, oranges, spaghetti squash, asparagus, Romaine lettuce, and a ton more. We don't even have enough room in our kitchen for all of it! It's awesome!

If this were an advertising blog (and if anyone in the state of Rexburg read this) I would totally recommend this place!

1 comment:

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Wait. Hold on. Back up.

Did you say that this stuff is excess of what farmers in the area are selling?

Stop and think about this. Farmers in Rexburg, Idaho, are harvesting fresh bananas, apples, oranges, squash, asparagus, and such... in JANUARY? Yeah. Right.

Something about this seems a little, uh, shall we say, not quite on the up and up?

Not that it's a bad deal. A bushel basket of fresh veggies for $15 isn't a bad price (it isn't necessarily a good price, either, however, since fresh veggies at the store might cost less if you priced them out), but still, if they want you to think this is helping local farmers out, there has to be a wrinkle in the waxed paper somewhere.