Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last Day in Rexburg... For Now At Least!

I woke up for a meeting this morning before church. I opened the door and what met my eyes made me want to go back to bed crying. Snow. Yes. You read right. It was like, 70 degrees earlier this week. And this morning I walk to church in the snow. Yuck! Stupid Rexburg. Either snow or wind.

Anyway, I did laundry and some last minute things and then finished packing today. We invited some guys over for dinner and had wonderful enchiladas with brownies for dessert a la my roommate Kylee.

The bus leaves at 3:30am tomorrow. Meaning like, less than five hours. The adrenaline has kicked in though. I slept five hours last night. Tried to take a nap today but succeeded in laying awake in bed for two hours, and now I just can't sleep. I'm gonna be so screwed once we get to London at 9am (London time) Tuesday morning.

I guess I'll try and get some sleep now. Even though I'm pretty much sure it's impossible. I'd rather run a mile. Or two. Or just do jumping jacks. Or both.

1 comment:

Terrace said...

Running while doing jumping jacks for a mile would be exhausting :P