Friday, September 16, 2011

No Accident By Accident

I accidentally didn't get into an accident yesterday.

I was driving my friend home from Bed, Bath and Beyond where she had to return something.  The store is kind of far away in a part of Orlando I'm not really familiar with.  As we drove home, I accidentally pulled into the left turn lane because I thought I had to turn left at that light.  As I approached it, I realized I was making the turn one light too early.

I started complaining about how I had accidentally went to turn in the wrong place, and rolled my eyes at myself, annoyed that I'd have to go slightly out of my way.  As I complained inside my head I casually looked over to my right as I heard screeching tires and watched a car slam into the back of another, forcing it to collide with the car in front of it.  This occurred not even ten feet from my car.  Only a few seconds after I had made the "mistake" of pulling into the left turn lane.

The left turn light stayed red, as Florida lights do, for another several minutes and I hated just sitting there watching the people as they got out of their cars to check out the damage.  The front lady's car was smoking, and I started envisioning it exploding right next to my car.  The back guy's car (the one who caused it) was probably messed up the most, the hood was really smashed good.

Thank goodness I make mistakes!


dubby said...

and that someone is watching over you! I'm glad you are okay.

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

The term, "luckiest kid"...

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Oh, and thanks for the prescription of "music". It worked!