Thursday, September 8, 2011


Almost two years ago my grandpa died.  I never wrote about it on here.  Those feelings and such were kept for my private, more personal journal.  (yes, I don't actually put every single detail of my life on here)

Anyway, the day my grandpa died, I had to work.  I didn't want to call in, and while I was sad, there was no reason to miss work over it.  But I was kind of out of it and distracted all day.  I forgot my ID to log into the computer at one point, and due to my mistakes I had to call my manager to come fix my login.  After messing up so many times it locks you out and you have to have a manager come.

I felt terrible because I knew my manager was extremely busy, but he also happened to be an extremely nice manager.  So I called him and told him I locked myself out of the computer, and he very kindly dropped what he was doing to come help me.  We walked backstage into the office in the back.

As my manager got onto the computer, he was typing here and there as my mind stayed in fogland.  Then, I heard the printer start to go and he turned around with a piece of paper, "Did you see the picture of the new baby giraffes in Animal Kingdom?"  He handed me the paper of the two babies and I nearly started to cry.  Seeing the picture of the baby giraffes just made me feel more emotional.

All ended up well.  My account was fixed, I didn't make any more mistakes, and I eventually told my manager all about what happened.  But I never knew at that time that one day I'd be working in Animal Kingdom.  In fact, I'd be seeing those giraffes every single day on the Savannah.  And every time I'd see them, nearly two years later, I'd remember my grandpa and the day he died and how much I love and miss him.

Who knew a giraffe could mean so much?


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Can I print this off and mail it to Grandma Fordham? I know she'd love knowing about this.

dubby said...

Someday, you'll need to tell your father "the rest of the story." He'll be touched.