Monday, October 12, 2009

Silly People

I lost my voice. It's just gone. Actually, it's not totally gone, but it's sure hurting my throat a lot.

I saw the Tinker Bell movie the other night. It was cute. I can't WAIT for the newest Disney princess movie to come out this December. The Princess and the Frog it's called. Apparently it's animated and just like the old classic films. I'm so excited for it!

In another side of things...

I get really annoyed when I get the whiny guests that I can tell like to just manipulate people all they can as a hobby. I don't mind giving real, genuine, decent guests free things. For example a little girl was crying the other day because one of her pins fell off her lanyard. I got down and let her pick her favorite pin from my lanyard and gave it to her. So cute and the parents were thrilled.

I had 46 hours last week, 48 this week, and 44 next week. Before I came here I figured if I could work between 40 and 45 hours a week every week while here I'd be fine. Guess what? I'm doin' fine.

The sad part though is that most of my shifts are 10-7 or 11-6 type shifts. And I only have one day off a week. So there's pretty much no time to play. Ever. My life basically consists of getting up, showering, making a quick breakfast, throwing a sandwich together for lunch, going to work, getting home, cleaning the kitchen, messing on the computer for about half an hour, cleaning some more, making dinner, going to bed. Every day. On my one day off I get really excited to sleep in.

And I just noticed it's almost 1am. When did THAT happen!? What the? Well, I have to wake up at 7am tomorrow so I'm going to go now. Anyway, hope this was a good enough update. :)


Obliviocelot said...

I like how in your last post you made a wisecrack about not getting sick, and then this post began with how you've lost your voice. lol

dubby said...

Dad stole my comment.