Monday, October 26, 2009

Swine Flu

No, I don't have Swine Flu. But a girl I work with went to the Disney Cast Health Center after work today and a bunch of people were talking about how they were sure that was what she had.

Honestly, I'm not really that scared of the Swine Flu. Flu happens. You get sick, you rest and puke for a few days, you get better. It sucks and is totally no fun, but I'm pretty sure even if I got Swine Flu I'd end up okay, just like every person I've known who's gotten it.

The only big negative I don't want to see is the lack of pay check that would come the week after. Here, when you get Swine Flu, you're not allowed to work for at least seven days no matter how good you feel after three days (trust me, it happened to my friend who got it).

I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm around so many people who have been getting it that there's a pretty good chance I could get sick. But I continue to take a daily vitamin and stay as clean as I can (yes, I've even been using hand sanitizer). And so far I've been okay... I think.

I guess at this point we'll just see what happens. But I'm not sick...


dubby said...

vitamin D3

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Immunize. Vaccination. Some people have gotten a flu shot. I'd recommend the ANTI-flu shot myself.