Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ahhh, Bus Rides

As CPs (college programmers) we take buses to and from work. Yes, I do too, even though I have a car. Mainly to save gas. Well, the Magic Kingdom bus was in an accident yesterday... while my roommate was on it. I saw it. My bus passed hers and the kids on my bus all waved.

No worries. There were no injuries. A car pulled out in front of the bus. But really, our buses are monsters and no one was even standing. The bus had hardly a scratch and the front end off the car was pretty dead. Other than that though, it was simply a fun little taste of excitement. And all the bus drivers for the past day have been driving extra slow.

In other news... tonight on the way home (I stayed after and watched Illuminations, even though that means I have to deal with the horribly crowded bus, or the idea that I might not make that bus and have to wait twenty minutes for the next one because the first one gets too full) we had all gotten on the bus and it was hot. I mean like foggy windows hot. The kids in the back all called up to the front, "Hey, can we get some AC back here?" and then, because this particular bus driver spoke French, one of the French CPs called the same thing in French. As the driver turned up the AC, the CPs started calling out thank yous.

I'll be honest, I don't know how many languages I heard. Or what language they all were. But it's just fun the fact that everyone practically speaks a different language. Seriously, especially working in EPCOT, I can get on the bus and hear five different languages and not understand a single one. It's amazing!

It's actually quite funny when it comes to night and getting on the bus. Sometimes you can tell there are just too many of us and we're not going to fit. But it's kind of survival of the fittest in that case because whoever gets on the bus first, wins and gets to go home! Something we're all looking forward to after a long hard day! It's the most depressing thing to be that one who gets turned away (trust me, I know!).

Ever since I was one of the two kids turned away I've learned where to stand. I've learned to push my way into just the right spot and then just be shoved and squeezed between the crowds in order to hopefully be swept onto the bus in the horrible herd of people moving. It's great. I feel a little bad though because at that point I forget all polite manners of, "Oh no, sorry, you go first" and go right on to the "Umm, I'm standing here and clearly should be allowed in front AND I worked ten hours today! What did you do? Play? Yeah, back of the line!"

Haha, well, on that happy note I'm bored. And tired. Then end.

1 comment:

dubby said...

What! You are growing a spine! Wow! I NEVER thought I would see it!