Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Family Pictures

When I first got to work today I was put on theater. I love being in theater. It's nice and easy there and most of the time the guests are super happy with the way their photos turn out. Well, the sales person wasn't really doing anything, so (since I had no pictures to take) I went over and started chatting with guests and selling photos. One particular family came in and wanted a Christmas photo.

The Christmas photos haven't been fully set up yet so there is no written rule as to how many people can fit in a particular picture. This family had six people and I'm pretty sure that was too many, but I told them I'd try anyway. They were happy to go along and I brought them into my theater.

These were definitely some of the most fun people I've dealt with in the theaters. It was six adults and they all had a lot of personality. I showed them the picture as I always do and pointed out the different positions they could be in and what they could be doing (stealing from Donald's stocking, peeking through the window, opening presents, etc.). I asked who wanted to be where and they all had a lot of fun figuring out who should be in every place and then we went at it as I told them individually where and how to stand. It went great and there was tons of laughing.

Immediately after I finished their picture I had a family of five wanting to do the same picture. As I brought them in, I started pointing out the different places they could be so they could choose. The dad stopped me in the middle and told me that I needed to just tell them where and how to stand and they would do it. "Don't you do this all day? You should know where to place us." I calmly started to explain that yes, I do this all day, but I thought they might like to choose who goes where. Well, as I began explaining I could tell in his face he didn't want to "waste" time figuring out who to put where. So I just made it up myself. I got the two kids to be down by the presents and then I put the third kid stealing from the stocking, Dad putting up an ornament and Mom outside peering in. They seemed satisfied and when I asked them if it was okay before I sent it to be printed they just shrugged and said, "Well, if you think it's alright then I guess it's good then, right?"

Waaay less fun than the previous family. I mean, I guess I'm a little flattered that they trusted me so much, and I get families like this at least once a day. But it's just so much more fun when I get people who are so truly, genuinely excited and amazed by the technology and how everything's done. The first family was living in the moment. They had so much fun and had no problem asking me to change little things that were bugging them ("I don't like my face in that one, can I take another picture?" "Can you move me over to the left just a smidge? I just prefer being closer to Chip and Dale." etc.). The other family, well, I just hope they really liked their picture. They pay a lot for them and I wish I could have made the actual taking of the picture more memorable for them. Ah well. It's all fun anyway!

Then i went out on glow. Super fun. But I was off. It always pretty much ruins my night when my glow drawer is off. Makes me feel stupid. Except I got off work right when Illuminations started and Illuminations always makes me super happy. So it all worked out in the end!

I am so stinkin' blessed!

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