Tuesday, December 15, 2009

EPCOT, My Typical Days

Today was pretty crazy at work. Several things happened but I only have the patience to write about one, really.

Tom brought this little girl over to me after I'd been there a little while. Tom's English is not so good and this poor little girl was in tears (probably about nine years old I'd imagine). He told me, "Uhh, she lose parent I ssink? Mebbee? I don know?"

So I got down to the girl's level and started trying to figure out what happened. She was lost, but she wasn't really responding to anything I said. She kind of mumbled some stuff I didn't understand. Then it dawned on me.

Why do lost children always have to be foreign!? "Habla Espanol?" I asked. Most lost kids speak only Spanish although I had one once who spoke Portuguese.

"No." She replied. Then she went off in French. The only thing I know how to say in French is "I don't speak French" and I can't type that on here cuz I can only say it, not spell it. Anyway, that didn't help much so I tried to tell her it was okay and I went straight to the phone.

We have a hotline we can call and tell them what language we need and they get us a translator within seconds. Or at least that's how it would work ideally. I've never actually had to use it before. Unfortunately it took me time to find the number and then I had to be transferred between a few people. Overall it took just a couple minutes. But it took long enough so that by the time I actually had the girl on the phone with another woman who spoke French, this guy from attractions came over to me.

"Hey, did you find a little French girl anywh- wait.... is that crying girl French?"

Sure enough he was having the exact same problem on his end with the dad because apparently dad didn't speak English either and was babbling off in French showing with his hands he was looking for a little girl.

Needless to say we eventually got them reunited but I felt terrible because most of the time when we reunite the kids to the parents it's like this big thing where the parents imagined their child was dead and the kid thought they had been orphaned so they're all hugging and kissing. This situation the dad grabbed the poor little girl's arm and started yelling at her. I felt so bad for her. So sad.

Anyway, some other things happened like the lady who dropped her camera on the ride and it went down into this crack that's impossible to get into without shutting down the whole building.

Then this girl I work with called in (a common occurrence, no one was really surprised) so I had to be extended (more money! I'm so not complaining!) and then we had some other minor problems with the attractions people. Really, there shouldn't be rivalry between Attractions and Merchandise... and there isn't. But I think there should be more unity between attractions and merch. The merch people never really know what attractions are up to and vise versa. Meh.

Anyway, for the most part it was a great day. I got two hugs from little kids which is rare but totally welcome. One of the little girls was disabled and stuck in a wheelchair but she asked her dad to ask me to come around so she could give me a hug which was so totally cute of her.

The other girl I brought behind the counter because it was her birthday and she had a special call. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say about that but she was adorable and she kept asking me questions about it. I answered her questions to the best of my ability and eventually satisfied her "whys." And then I stood up and she hugged me around my legs and it was the cutest thing ever.

Actually, I see a lot of "cutest things ever" here. It's so great!

I "graduate" in two days. That means I get my "graduation ears" and stuff. So fun!

Now for pictures that I haven't posted in forever.

My American Adventure costume. This was the night I got to watch the candlelight processional. So fun! Except for the weird petticoat part. Still not sure what that is... I had trouble getting that apron thing on and this gay guy was going to try and help me but really I'd rather a natural girl help me with that sort of thing. Weird...

We went to Chef Mickey's for my birthday on the 7th. But Heather's little sister Allison happened to be in town so we celebrated for her too. Unfortunately for me the munchkin gets more attention than the twenty year old. But really? Look at her. She deserved every minute of it and I was glad to share it with her.

Natalie and Janessa with Donald

Allison's adorable face all covered in birthday frosting.

Heather and adorable Allison

I realized I didn't have any pictures with my boss so I had to snap at least one. Even if he's in his chef's outfit!

Kelly by our amazing Christmas tree!!!

Heather and I made a freakin' AMAZING Thanksgiving turkey. Not bad for a first try. We woke up at something like 6am and went to Walmart for last minute supplies because Thanksgiving was really held on Monday because that was the only time we could all go and since Heather and I had never done anything like this before a few calls to mommy were necessary but other than that.... yeah. It was totally amazing. Like, it totally fell off the bone amazing.

Our family. Me, Janessa, Kelly, Heather, Lis and Natalie. And Steve.

Thanksgiving feast before.

Thanksgiving feast after. Yeah, we hardly made a dent.

Ahhhh the beach. I love you soooooooo much!

After spelling my name like this kept getting killed.

I went up a little further and just made my name like this.

We buried each other in the sand. Now I can say I've done it. And I never ahve to do it again!

Does this guy not look exactly like Captain Jack Sparrow? It's downright creepy cuz his mannerisms are identical too. Pretty cool.


Picture of the morning we ate breakfast with the princesses. I really wish I had better photos of this morning. Alyssa and Laura, my friends from work, invited me to go with them. I'm sooooo glad I went! But soooo sad I have no group photos of all of us. The food was amazing though!