Friday, February 12, 2010

Heart Attack Pictures

Something Mormon girls just love to do is "heart attacks." Because of the holiday around the corner, this gave my roommates the perfect chance to decorate our empty apartment. They cut out hearts and placed them all over our apartment. All over.

I'm not really a "pink hearts and butterflies and flowers" type of person. They're nice. In moderation... but seriously... you should see the faces of some of the guys who enter here now. Anyway. Our apartment has been officially heart attacked. I tried to get into it. My roommates can vouch for me, I really did try to enjoy it. But I ended up getting banned from cutting out hearts (I blame my lefthandedness... I seriously can't cut anything worth a darn). So instead I took pictures. My roommates were happy to be models.

Lizzy was the official "heart shape cutter outer" or whatever you'd call that.

While Alexis put words like "sweetheart" and "my love" on them.

And Erica was putting the hearts up around the room.

Now this is what I'm proud of! The colored igloo! I was too cold to actually go outside and get a good picture of the thing, but it is dang awesome. This was taken from my apartment kitchen and you can see the boys apartments just past the igloo. That's how close we are. But check out that igloo! They bought a $10 couch from DI and sawed it in half and put it in there. They were talking about putting a TV in there too. Pretty cool!

I thought when we sprayed colors on it they would mesh together and make the whole thing brown. While it's brown now, but a week ago when it was first colored, it looked fantastic.

1 comment:

dubby said...

How, uh, girlie!

It does sound fun!