Thursday, August 25, 2011

Days Two and Three of Training

The past two days I've been training with my "real" trainer, Jeff. Yesterday was kind of boring. We didn't even get to go on the trucks at all except a tiny bit in the morning because we were opening them. Most of yesterday was spent inside with me memorizing random facts. Jeff would give me a stack of flashcards and have me memorize them. Then, when I did that, he'd give me another stack to memorize. This went on for a loooong time. I also had to read about 60 pages worth of "protocol" stuff from the training book. It's required that all new trainees read that stuff. I was falling asleep during it. Not really out of boredom, but out of sheer exhaustion. Working for Disney is tiring!

Anyway, I also went over the spiel several times yesterday and generally did a lot of memorization and such. Today was much more fun! This morning we went out and I actually got to do a lot of the land jobs. The "Land" jobs are the ones like standing at the front of the line answering questions, working the Fastpass machine, working the Fastpass line, working the disability area, seating, etc. etc. I learned all about the Fastpass machines, which was my favorite part of the Land. Plus, today was extremely slow and the guests were all very happy.

I nearly busted out laughing at the guests though at one point. When I was working the Fastpass line I literally had like five guests in a row come and ask me where the bathroom was. And by "in a row" I mean the first one wasn't even out of hearing range before the next one was asking. I seriously wondered if they were doing it on purpose to mess with me. Because I've done that with a group of my friends to certain cast members before. So funny!

After doing lands in the morning and memorizing a few more animal flash cards (there are seriously, so many of them!) I had a P&P meeting with the manager. They basically sat us down and said, "Okay newbies, if you do this, this or this, you'll get fired. Be happy. Have fun."

Then we had lunch and the rest of the day was driving! I spent three hours in the driver's seat today, but it literally felt like fifteen minutes. The first time I drove around the forest I nearly had a heart attack. I don't think I noticed a single animal the first time around. I was way too busy watching my turns and making sure to make "wide turns." They really beat the "wide turns" idea into our heads.

The second time I felt a little better and by the third time I was mostly comfortable. But I was scared to get too comfortable because that's when problems happen. However, by the third time I actually was able to look around for animals. By the fourth and fifth, and all other times (I lost count of how many times I went around, but it was probably about six or seven) I was trying to drive and look for animals. And, let me tell you, it is way harder than it sounds. Not only do you have to memorize the "speed limits" of the different zones (which they are ridiculously specific about... you can't go too slow or too fast, keep a solid 4mph in some places. it's really hard to maintain an exact and steady speed) but you have to watch for animals, do the spiel, make sure nothing's in front of you, keep the turns perfect, and watch for certain safety lights that may flash at you. And I didn't even have guests to worry about today!

I didn't "almost hit" anything because we were going so slow it simply wasn't possible. However, I drove insanely close to several animals including a giraffe, two ostriches, and a white rhino. The rhino scared the snot out of me because there's a place on the reserve where the white rhinos are basically always hanging out. At least, I've always seen them in the same place. When we went to that place, and the addax was there instead, I just figured the white rhinos had gone in or something. Then, later, at a place where I didn't even know the white rhino could get to, I went around a corner and there was a white rhino literally two feet from my truck, walking around. His nose probably came within inches.

Now, I know from training that white rhinos have very poor vision. I was watching him in my rear mirror and could have sworn he was about to walk right into my truck. Fortunately he didn't, and I was left with only a minor panic attack. Actually, I'm pretty sure my whole day was a minor panic attack.

Anyway, I love my job. A lot. In case you can't tell. I'm really, really enjoying where I work. I love all the people, I love the work, I love the animals, and I love Disney! I'm so stinking happy that I get this opportunity. This location may even, possibly beat EPCOT. Unless I get termed for getting into an accident in the truck. But I'm working really hard to make sure that doesn't happen. :) Ahhh, I'm so happy!

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