Thursday, June 4, 2009

First Day

First day of school. Again. My second first day this semester. Weird how that works....

I only actually had one class today. Religion. And my Humanities of Islam class is tomorrow. Those in addition to my online Music Theory class are my only classes this block so I'm expecting/hoping it will be a breeze. The only real difficult one will be Humanities of Islam. But I already know the teacher (he went with us to Europe) so that helps a bit, I hope.

Actually, funny story about him. The first time I ever actually spoke to him on a personal level we were in a museum in London. I was with Sarah at the time and the two of us had just walked into the museum with a small group of students as well as the teachers. I had been telling Sarah a few minutes earlier how I was worried about taking pictures because I thought (at that point in the trip) that I'd only have one gig of camera space so I had to be super careful about what I took pictures of.

So we're in the museum and I saw something I just had to have a picture of. So I pulled out my camera and Sarah turned to me and said, "You can't take pictures!" I told her, no it's okay. I can. I really wanted this and I'd delete another. As I was trying to explain while taking the picture at the same time Sarah continued telling me, "No. Dianna, really, you can't take pictures... seriously." We were "arguing" in a way not upset or anything but more bantering a little because I was trying to explain to her it would be okay, I could just delete it. As I went to take the picture, the teacher came up behind me, grabbed my camera and said, "She's right. You're not allowed to take pictures in here. Put it away."

So. Totally. Embarrassed.

I felt horrible for "arguing" with her and going to do it anyway while the teacher watched the whole thing. I was clearly the idiot, as is usual. Haha. I went back to her later and apologized, explaining that I didn't understand and we both laughed about it. Unfortunately the teacher probably just got the impression that I'm a terribly rebellious kid. And that's my excuse if I end up failing his class. Haha. No, actually he seems really nice so I'm not too worried.

My other teacher I had for religion last semester so I already knew he was an excellent teacher. He's really funny and extremely smart. Excellent teacher, but his class is going to require almost three hours of reading a week. Yuck!

All in all I'm pretty darn excited for this semester! I'm excited for classes and seeing what it's like to take block classes--finding out whether they really are as hard as most say they are. I also am going to try to keep going to the gym as much as I can. Today, instead of just running, I decided to do a mile on the elliptical, a mile running, and then a mile on the bike. I'm not sure if that worked better or not than my usual running 2-4 miles. The elliptical always makes my butt sore, though. We'll see.

I love my life!

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