Monday, June 8, 2009

How Did I Get Like This?

I noticed while taking notes in Humanities of Islam today that I write weird. I remember in elementary school being taught how to write. How paragraphs need to be indented on the first line and then normal the rest of the way until you start a new paragraph. When I write I usually keep the first line of my paragraph normal and then the rest of the paragraph I indent each line. Weird... it doesn't even make sense because I was taught the other way and the other way saves more room. But hey, that's just how I do it.

When I type I was taught to type the same way. Indent the first line of the paragraph and go normal the rest of the way. Obviously, as you can see from the way I'm typing this, I've veered from that as well. I learned this style of typing from my sister and highly prefer it.

So I've easily thrown away those elementary (and some were even required in high school) habits and changed my ways to how I like it. But still, any time a teacher gives out a hand out whether it's the syllabus, a certain map, or worksheet or whatever, regardless of whether we turn it in or not, I'm still in the habit of writing my name at the top. I've at least gotten to the point where I just think about it and as my hand makes it's way to the paper I remember that I don't need to, but still. Silly little thing.

I'm pretty sure this gets at least in the top ten if not it's the winner for the most pointless, time-wasting post ever. I just really wanted to update and surprisingly enough had nothing else to say.


King Isepik said...

Just FYI: We can't see that you typed this in funny because the browser strips out unnecessary white space. :)

The only thing we can see is that you don't indent the initial line of the paragraph, but then again, most of us do the same thing.

Obliviocelot said...

When I'm writing a paragraph for notes or something (not to turn in), I keep the first line normal and indent the rest too. I think it's easier to see the different paragraphs that way.

King Isepik said...

I do something similar for a similar reason, but only for personal notes that I'm handwriting. Of course, I try to keep that to a minimum since it's so difficult to read my handwriting. :)

I think it just depends on the purpose of the writing. If it's intended to be turned in, I do all the proper indentation, but if it's for me and me only, I'm all backwards and such.

dubby said...

silly southpaw