Thursday, September 3, 2009

Random Stories and Work Stuff

I really do keep up with everyone else's blogs. Really I do. I follow everyone's blog who I know has one as well as a handful of extra blogs I've found along the way. But I hardly ever comment.

So there's that. I don't even know why I had to write that... whatever.

Work is amazing. I love it. I hardly have any free time at all and the little bits that I do have is spent playing with friends. My life is so freakin' awesome!

I worked a ten hour shift yesterday.

I'm on day three of my eleven day working streak right now. I started working Tuesday and don't get a day off until next Saturday. Tomorrow I work from 4:30pm until 1:30am. Goody.

We give out sticker to little kids at work. I got sick of just simply walking up to kids and being like, "Hey dude. Want a sticker?" So I started making kids earn their stickers. One little girl (I bet she was about one or two) I asked to make a face like a fish. This was when I was working "The Seas" so I was trying to stay on subject. I don't think she got what I meant so I sucked in my cheeks to show her. She tried to copy me and made the most adorable face I think I've ever seen. It was so cute and her mom and I started laughing and I gave her a sticker. She was so cute! Some other girls came in today a bit older. I was in Imagination and couldn't think of any "on topic" questions so I just asked them general Disney trivia. It was all really simple since a) they were very young and b) I don't even know that much Disney trivia. I think the kids are happier when they actually do something to earn their stickers though... but I still just handed out a bunch.

We also do this thing called "Magical Moments" with the guests. One "Magical Moment" is that we play tic-tac-toe. We get a lot of international guests, but I've learned how to point and grunt to the point where just about anyone from any country can understand what game I'm trying to play. The kids love it. One little boy (probably like 8) beat the junk out of me like three times in a row. It was pathetic. I gave him an arms length of stickers for that. He was smart!

The power went out in WalMart yesterday. Or maybe the day before... I get my days mixed up.

Anyway, I can't even begin to put everything that's happening in my life on here so that'll have to do for now. Bye!


Anonymous said...

um - type, first paragraph...

Anonymous said...
