Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Sunday was my first day in the new location, Hollywood Studios.

I bounced between two different stores during my shift. Mickey's of Hollywood (the toy store) and Keystone merchandise (the clothing/jewelry store). I way preferred Mickey's of Hollywood, however most of my time was spent in Keystone (go figure). A LOT of people from EPCOT Future World have been deployed there this week.

So they extended me also on Sunday night. Instead of working 3-9 like I thought they changed it from 3-1:30. Kind of a big difference, but hey, I like money!

Yesterday was our Thanksgiving. All of my closest friends since I've been here found one day and one time when we'd all get to celebrate together. Monday morning. We each took a couple of dishes to make and Heather and I went in on the Turkey together. I was also in charge of mashed potatoes and peas and stuffing. Some of the other things we had were 14layer jello, rolls, sweet potatoes, broccoli/cauliflower, green bean casserole, apple pie, pumpkin pie, etc. etc. There was so much food! I have pictures or it all. It was amazing! We ate it all and then Kelly had to go to work. So great, I think we'll be eating leftovers for a week.

As for today I'm going to Hollywood to work in about half an hour. I need to grab some food and stuff before I leave. I'm excited for the change of location and I like the people of Hollywood a lot, but I'll be ready for my return to EPCOT next week.

1 comment:

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Happy Thanksgiving. See you Saturday morning. Let me know if your work schedule changes.