Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Sunday

I don't really have a lot to say. As always, I'm way ready for this semester to end. Less than a week left and we'll be done.

And less than a week left til I'm basically homeless. But it'll be cool. I'll have a place to stay.

We had a pretty good Easter Sunday today. It was just my roommate and I so it was possibly the loneliest one I've ever had. We have two other roommates, but they disappeared yesterday and never came home last night. They returned later on tonight, so don't worry, they're alive.

Alexis and I dyed eggs yesterday. We bought this cool tye-dye kit thing and we got a sparkles kit too. I wasn't a fan of the sparkles but the tye-dye thing was kind of cool. We also bought eggs and stuffed them with candy. I don't like jellybeans but we had to get them because really you can't have Easter Eggs without jellybeans.

We stuffed them with jellybeans, peanut butter M&Ms (my contribution) and starburst. There were 42 of them. But since it was only Alexis and I we didn't really have a good way to do an Easter Eggs hunt.

So while Alexis was in the shower I hurriedly his all 42 eggs this morning. She had to go through our apartment and find all 42. I was able to stump her on the last five or so. We ended up playing hotter/colder.

After that we realized that we had to eat the eggs we dyed. We had so much fun dying the eggs we didn't pay attention to the fact that we had 18 of them to eat. We had expected to eat them with our other two roomies, but since they disappeared it was up to us.

No, we did not eat 18 eggs today. But I've had eggs in every meal I've eaten today. We ate the "golden rod" and then deviled eggs for dinner. We still have about 7 or 8 left.

When you dye eggs and then peel them the white of the egg is actually colored. Pretty cool.

Anyway, so yes I know this was a super lame Easter. We watched General Conference and didn't really do anything else. Hopefully next year will be more fun.

In fact, I'm sure next semester will be more fun. And we'll have more people come over to our apartment. And we'll have more parties. And my roommates will be more spastic and fun and interesting. Pretty sure more of my friends from previous semesters and Disney have been to our apartment than the friends of all my roommates combined. And I'm not even that social!

Anyway, here's to looking forward to next semester!

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