Sunday, April 18, 2010


It's been a week. Not much to say. It's been nice to be home. I'm definitely glad for the visit to the east coast. I freakin' LOVE eastern weather and it kinda makes me dislike Idaho even more. I can't wait to move back to Florida in August.

I was supposed to go back to ID Saturday, but they conveniently canceled the flight so I could spend an extra day or two with my brother. We shot guns Saturday which was so totally awesome. Though I'm still sore. I have a nice red rash on my left shoulder from the kick of the guns. It was awesome!

I hope a plane back to ID tomorrow. School starts Tuesday. At the moment I have 21 credits which I understand is pretty much suicide, but I can't decide which class/classes to drop. I'm going to just go the first few days and then make up my mind.

Yep, so that's that. I'll probably have another uber-long update after school starts up again about my classes.

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