Monday, July 19, 2010

It's the Little Things in Life

I'm getting free pizza for dinner tonight. And in one class tomorrow. And in another class on Wednesday.

I'm done with all classes except Spanish.

My teacher just switched the Spanish final so we can get it all taken and done tomorrow and not have to show up to class Wednesday! Now I get to be done with school a whole hour earlier than I thought in a class where I'll be eating pizza and finding out if my group won the $200!

I just got some free ringtones for my cell phone. Now I'm excited for people to call or text me just so I can hear them!

My friends want me to live with them in Cloud 9 next year. We talked to the managers. Cross your fingers!

I'm going home on Friday!

I'm going on a cruise!

I work at Disney World!

Okay, so maybe they're not all little, but still! I'm the happiest kid in the world!

1 comment:

dubby said...

My little girl is coming home this weekend!
-- the Luckiest Mom