Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What The Heck?

Earlier today when I went outside I noticed the sky looked funny. It was overcast, but a different overcast than I'd ever seen before in my life. In fact, it was so weird that I made a mental note to blog about it when I got home.

I've seen overcast, but usually the sky is a pretty grey color. I'd never seen a brown sky in my life... at least that I recall.

By the way, I stole these pictures from my friend who lives in Sugar City (like two miles away from here). I got them off of Facebook. Just so you know.

I had no idea why the sky was brown, but I figured it was just another unknown part of the horrible, disgusting, dry Idaho weather that I hate... but I digress.

So I went to my group meeting and we worked for a while and as I came home the brown overcast sky was still there. As I walked inside, my roommate, Kiara, notified me of the reason. Apparently, there's a big forest fire somewhere around here. It's like ten miles north of where we are or something. I'm not too worried.

But at least now I know that skies are not generally just brown for no reason. No matter how disgusting I think the weather may be. And there probably won't be rain.


dubby said...

lovely. Does it smell?

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Forest Fire was the first thing I thought of. But I figured you would have smelled the smoke.