Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day in the MK

I'm still working on finishing documenting the cruise. More for myself than anything... but yeah. I thought I'd let that be known.

Today I woke up at 5am. Boarded the bus around 6am. Got to work a little before 7am. Clocked in a little after 7am. And then walked around the Magic Kingdom ALL FREAKIN' DAY!

Literally. We walked around until around 2:30. At this time I took a "break" by going and getting my costumes at costuming, running home to drop off my costumes and change into more comfy clothes, and then going straight back to the MK to play for the rest of the day.

Although I have to say the first part of the day was a lot like playing too... except that I was wearing formal business attire and wasn't allowed to answer my phone when I was on stage.

I can't really say much about what we did... but it was certainly fun and I learned a LOT. And I saw a bunch of things that made me want to just stare because it's not the sort of stuff you get to see and experience every day! Except that I will.

Also, I love my job. A lot. I have the coolest job ever!

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