Sunday, August 1, 2010


You can see a lot of what I've been doing for the past week on my mom's blog, but here's how I'm documenting our trip to Maine. At least for now...

In the past week, I have done each of these things for the first time (not necessarily in order):

Drove for 35 hours straight (through the night from Idaho to Virginia)

Visited Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire... At least I think that's all the new states I visited

Went down a zip line

Returned empty soda cans for money

Rode in a convertible

Ate lobster

Went down a hill in an Ogo ball

Saw my mom puke

Went on a "duck" tour which is a "bus-to-boat" type vehicle

Toured Acadia forest in Maine--and hiked part of a mountain there

Toured Fort Bragg in NC

Went to Myrtle Beach (although we didn't really get to see the beach)

Stayed in a handicapped hotel room

Saw New York City and Washington DC in the same day

Drove a Honda and a Ford car... I'm pretty sure I've only driven Toyota brand cars up til now

And, of course, got pulled over by a cop (and got a warning... but let's not discuss that further)

I may have forgotten some, but let's just say it's been an extremely eventful past nine days and I am SO ready to SLEEP!


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Your daddy is interested in hearing more about a couple of these. I'm glad you had a good time.

King Isepik said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I'll have to hear it from you, because Dubbie's blog is now invite only. :(

So... post pics so we can see the fun and be all jealous. :)