Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My AWESOME Job and Park Playin'!

I've actually written about five entries since last time I posted. However I haven't ended up posting any of them because I always end up wanting to write about stuff I'm not allowed to write about... and then it gets put in my other, private journal on my computer. Or it just gets insanely long and I feel bad making my reader(s) read that much of me. But moving on.

I've finally moved into my final apartment. My roommates are awesome. Three of us work in the Magic Kingdom and my fourth roommate, who's from Hawaii, works at the Polynesian Resort.

Our actual apartment has some problems... primarily water and the fact that there's flooding in random parts of our apartment. Like in our front hallway and in front of the stove of all places! Also, we woke up this morning with no water in our toilet... that was weird. My roommate's reporting that stuff right now though so I'm sure it'll be fixed soon. They are really good about maintenance here.

As for my job I'm loving every second of it! Well... almost every second. There was one day a day or two ago that I just wanted to burst into tears, give up, and be moved. But I only had one more hour of work that day and I forced myself through because really, I'm not a quitter. This job is way way WAY harder than my old job though. Yeah, I had a whole post going off of that sentence there earlier that I never posted. I may post it later though because it had many funny stories in it. :)

Yesterday, Cami, Jenna, and I went to EPCOT. Neither Cami nor Jenna had ever been before. In fact, they'd never even been to Disney really before this program. I got to be their tour guide for the day. Unfortunately, no one loves EPCOT quite like I do, but I think they still had fun. Jenna really loved Test Track... she was laughing uncontrollably, it was so funny!

I got to say hi to a bunch of people I worked with last year. A lot of them didn't recognize me without my glasses (I wore sunglasses most of the day). It was so funny because they all just looked at me for a second staring and then jumped and were like, "Heeeey!!! What's goin' on girl! You here to stay!? Oh, I haven't seen you in forever!" I love those welcomes!

We also went on some attractions I'd never done before. I'd never done them because I didn't think I'd like them, but they were actually really fun. We went on the Maelstrom ride in Norway and that was actually really good... It freaked me out for a good part of it, though. Also we did the boat ride in Mexico. It was good... just not amazing.

My Imagination area was horribly depressing. They got rid of Crystal Magic. They put walls up around the email picture machines. They stopped the "Imagination Institute" show. And next they're getting rid of my beloved pictures and puzzles that I used to make for people! They already got rid of Honey I Shrunk the Audience and put in Michael Jackson's Captain EO. We watched that. All I can say about it is that as I left the theater, the only thought going through my head was, "What the heck did I just watch?" Weird. Just weird. Maybe I would have liked it more if I knew Michael's music... or cared about him at all.

Today, I'm going to the Magic Kingdom with Helen (a Chinese girl from work) and Jenna (my room roommate). As I said earlier, our job is very hard in many ways. But one way is that we have to know a LOT of random knowledge. Helen was really having trouble with knowing the park and directions to places. She's also scared to go alone because she's only been in America for two weeks and still having trouble with language and normal culture shock. So we're going to go there today and work on knowing the park.

The main thing I was having trouble with was memorizing where all the busses and boats went to. How do you get to Wide World of Sports? How do you get to Disney Quest? How do you get to Fort Wilderness?

None of those answers were what I thought. I thought I could just send them to the TTC and from there they could get a bus... but no. It has to be complicated.

Anyway, my roommate just got back from the office and we're leaving at ten for the MK so I'm done. Maybe I'll have a post with pics soon. I haven't really taken many because I've been working and I'm not allowed to take pictures of the many amazing backstage things I see and Cami doesn't want her picture on the internet (but she only specified facebook... not blogger... heehee). But maybe sometime I'll have some play pictures up.

Also, today's my sister's birthday! Happy birthday sister!!!