Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back In Virginia

In short I missed the plane and made one the next day. I got back last night around 10. After getting home I still had some stuff to do so I didn't make it to bed until almost 2am. Faraday hasn't left my side for a second the whole time I've been home, soooo cute!

Last night after getting home I cleaned a little, scrubbed the bathroom, pet the cat, and then got started on laundry. I planned it so that I would have to do very little laundry the last few weeks of school so I could save all my dirty laundry for when I got home. Unfortunately, I didn't plan on staying an extra day so not only did I stink and was in dire need of a shower, but I needed something clean to wear. So I started on laundry and did three loads last night and a few more today. Yes, I have a lot of clothes. Actually, though, they were small loads. I actually separated stuff like it's supposed to be separated, something I never do in Idaho.

I set three alarms for myself this morning to be sure I'd make it to church, but my body woke me up around 6am. I stayed awake for two hours, cleaned a bit more, did some more laundry, finished the bathroom, and then went back to bed for one more hour when my first alarm went off. I got up and all morning my other alarms were going off as well as me getting a phone call from my mom making sure I was awake.

I got to church. It actually hasn't really changed much except for the fact that all the little kids grew a foot and the babies are no longer itty bitty babies.

Got home, ate some food, watched TV, played around on the internet, cleaned off my bed (so tonight will be the first time in a week that I've slept in a bed!!), finished unpacking, repacked a little for Disney, etc.

Now I'm about to play a computer game I've been wanting to play for a while (Black and White). Then I'll go to bed. I probably should go to bed now, but I've been napping on and off all day. Surprisingly I think no matter how tired I am I can't sleep more than about two or three hours at a time.

Tomorrow I plan to go into the 'Burg to do some shopping both for food and some clothes. I'll go back to the bookstore like I promised, but I won't get my job back. I might stop by Manpower (the temp agency) if I can figure out where it is but I don't think I'll have much luck since when I called them last they said it usually takes a few weeks for the resume to go through and for you to actually get a job and I'll be gone in a few weeks.

Anyway, it's wonderful to be home. I missed my cat a lot. I love love LOVE having the house to myself and setting the temperature to exactly how I like it. I've actually had it off a good portion of the time I've been home (so you can't complain, parents!). I like it super hot and my dad likes it cold. Poor mom. Haha.

As much as I like the house to myself I'll be happy when my parents get home. It gets a little bit creepy and lonely here at night sometimes and I'm pretty bored. I guess I'll get back to that computer game! But there's the update!


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Thanks for the update. Our internet is out in our Belgian flat, so we're having to hike a mile to the Monty to use their internet. Needless to say, we won't be posting much in the next 48 hours. See you soon.

dubby said...

Put on the hot chocolate, we're coming home!