Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sorta Sick

I have the sniffles and a horribly sore throat. I was eating Ricola yesterday but my throat only felt better as long as one was in my mouth. After I went through three Ricolas within about two hours I figured I'd better stop. It hurts so bad though! Ugh! Also, I learned this morning (because I continued with the constant Ricolas) that it's not good to sneeze with a hard candy in your mouth. Not a good idea! That pretty much freaked me out enough to suck on anymore all day because I thought I was gonna choke and die! And then it sneezed right out into my hand. Icky!

We don't have any school until Monday. Tomorrow there's no school because it's "Examination Day" and Friday is because it's the day before the Fourth of July! What's Examination Day? That's also a new law that the State of Idaho apparently passed that says something to the effect of every college must have one day in the middle of the semester with no school. Okay, so I have no clue what the details are and that "State Law" thing may just be a rumor. Either way it gets us out of school! Yay!

I broke my roommates fork the other day. I was trying to cut butter. The butter was hard okay? And for some reason people think it was weird I was using a fork to cut butter. It's called NO DISHWASHER people! I like to save dishes. Soooo funny though. I think my roommate thought the story was too funny to be mad. So what do I owe her now? A fork? A dollar? That pathetic little fork couldn't have been worth more than that. (btw, she's the same roommate whose knife I broke last year cutting a sandwich)


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

James was asking about you at ham radio club meeting tonite.

Let's see... knife, fork. I guess now you have to figure out how to break your roommate's spoon, eh?

Shawna said...

I am so glad I am not in college now! I am sure it was just as frustrating, I just blocked out all those memories and kept only the good ones! Hang in there. Oh, you can get a set of forks at Wal-Mart for a dollar. Then you would have some extra ones so the next time you break one you're covered.