Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beginning My Last Week

I love my bank here. The people are so friendly and easy to work with and they give me free stuff!

I've been working on eating down my food supply over the past few weeks but I think I judged a little bit wrong. Looks like I might be living off of oatmeal and rice for this last week of school. Although, my roommate's been awesome because she has loads of extra food AND she enjoys cooking a lot. She's been feeding me very well (well, actually we had a little deal thing going on so she sort of owes it to me, but I have a feeling she's overpaying me a bit, but hey! I'm not complaining!).

It turns out that my shuttle back home next Friday is the same shuttle my roommate will be on! Yay! I'll have someone to hang out with at the airport!

All I have left for the semester is a five page essay and a three page essay. I don't have to take one final exam, so I don't even have to go to class on the last two days of class for one of my classes. This means that as of WEDNESDAY at 12:15 I will be DONE with my sophomore year of college. Halfway through, baby! (oh, and for those that don't know, "technically" the last day of school is Thursday, that's why I'm so excited that I'll be done Wednesday)

In my free time I've, obviously, been obsessing over Disney World. Here's the latest:

I've been messing with Google Earth (as I think I said in a previous post) and found where I'm living and such. But yesterday I figured out where the nearest Walmarts are as well as the Marriott hotel (just in case!). Marriott happens to be within very close walking distance to where I'll be living. It's practically next door. There's also a Publix grocery store within walking distance, but everyone I know who's been there says not to shop there because it's ridiculously expensive.

I also found some pictures of my costume. Mostly, I'll probably be stuck in khaki shorts/pants and an ugly button up polyester blouse. But, I'm hoping really hard that I'll get to work in the Magic Kingdom (MK and EPCOT are my top two choices in case I haven't stated that before) and if I do I'm pretty sure the costumes are way more fun. More ridiculous and ugly, but definitely more fun! I read something about white balloon pants? Whatever. I can't wait to go.

1 comment:

dubby said...

Faraday is excited you are coming home.