Friday, July 3, 2009

Walt Disney World CP

Well, I haven't been making it as big a deal on here as it is in my head, but the CP is definitely constantly on my mind. So much so, actually, that I'm constantly dreaming of it.

Last night I dreamed that I really wanted to go into the park like, the day after I got there. Except that no one wanted to go with me. They were all being mature and trying to learn their jobs but all I wanted to do was play. (not to worry, my conscious mind DOES indeed know that I'm there to work, not play) Anyway, so I went to the park alone and went to the top of Mount Gushmore in Blizzard Beach and did the Summit Plummet all by myself. Crazy! I got to the bottom and it had felt just like a really short, normal waterslide. There was a little tiny pool at the end and I got out of it and watched the rest of the six-year-olds complete the same task. Then I walked around the park and soon came to a ferris wheel. Except I didn't get on because I. Hate. Ferris wheels. Hate them. I'm sooo scared of them. But right beside the ferris wheel was a roller coaster that went upside down around the track in circles BEFORE EVEN BEGINNING! I wanted to go on that one but woke up before getting the chance.

The night before last I dreamed that I was with my family. Most of my dreams of Disney I'm with my family since I was growing up. We had to go through this gift shop before getting to the parks and I remember listening to my parents talk about how it was "just another scheme to get money out of our pockets into theirs." Well, we walked through this gift shop and it reminded me of my grandma's store. Every single thing was easily broken. Everything. Everyone was taking a long time so I went ahead and came to a bunch of beer steins that said "Neuschwanstein" on them. Neuschwanstein is the Disney castle by the way. I got to go there when we went to Munich, even though it's about an hour away in this town called Fusen (not sure how to spell it but it reminded me of the Foosa on Madagascar). Anyway, there were a bunch of beer steins that said "Neuschwanstein" on them and I really wanted to get one for Cathryn except that my discount didn't kick in for another week and I wanted to get it with the discount but I wasn't sure I would get the chance. And then I looked at the price. 60 bucks with the discount. 300 without. Sorry Cathryn.

Another dream I was with my family, although only Cathryn and my mom were in it. We were on the bridge in Animal Kingdom except the bridge was the entrance to the park. I kept trying to go into the park because I could get all of us in for free and I really wanted to go play. Except Cathryn kept wanting to go into this no name bookstore. i was so annoyed with her. My mom kept trying to get me to be on Cathryn's side saying "Dianna, you'll have the next four or five months to come here whenever you want! Just do what Cathryn wants!" And on the inside I realized she was right except she didn't understand! I HAD to go into the parks THIS INSTANT!

So ridiculous. Anyway, just thought I'd blog about my CP dreams. 47 days and i totally can't wait at all!


Obliviocelot said...

You're... scared of Ferris wheels... but you wanted to ride on the roller coaster that went upside-down before it even started moving.... What's wrong with this picture?

dubby said...

what is a CP?

(my captcha word is dismal!)