Friday, December 18, 2009

Lip Piercing (No! Not Me!!)

A girl I work with got her lip pierced earlier today. So she came to work with a band-aid on. Using the excuse it was a pimple. Rosa is hilarious and she's only made funnier by her thick Mexican accent. Her English is fantastic, but she has the most hilarious accent ever.

Well, because her lip was just pierced it apparently hurt her to laugh. Something about how it moves the lip and then cut her gums or something. So I was trying not to be goofy or anything but that's just bound to happen when it's an EMH night with a bunch of CPs from random countries and different languages and no one to take pictures of.

So since there was nothing to do I grabbed some o f the Figment bouncy balls and started juggling. I've actually become pretty okay at it. Definitely not great, but satisfactory at least. I was counting how many catches I could do (my record so far is 41.5... the half is because I couldn't determine whether or not the last catch should be considered a catch or not...). As I threw the balls up and caught them I started counting out loud.

Rosa called to me, "Stop doing thaaat!"

"Stop doing what?"

"That... that thing that I cannot doooo."

"What? You mean laugh?"

Okay so it was a lot funnier in person. Mainly her face after I said that. I had a lot of fun teasing her but then I felt bad because she really was in pain but then I didn't feel bad because hello? She asked for it! Haha, ohhh tonight was fun!

So yeah, you know you work at Disney when you come home from work at 1:45am and not a single roommate is home. Yeah, like tonight.

Well, I should probably go to bed. But not before I show you some pictures of me at graduation. Keep in mind these pictures were taken Thursday. Like, middle of December Thursday and yes, I'm wearing capris and a short sleeved shirt and no, I'm not cold at all.

Alyssa, Veronica, Laura and me

And PS, no, I have no clue what side of my head the tassel goes on.

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