Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Baby Sables!

I heard stories from the people I work with about when we got the addax a while back.  They said they just came to work and suddenly there were fact cards and the leaders basically just said, "Here's a new animal.  Memorize it and look for it."  Done.

Well, a few days ago they mentioned our "baby Sable Antelope" were coming out on show.  I didn't even know we had baby Sables.  I'd only ever seen the adult.. male I think.  Usually they put him over with the zebras, but once in a long while I'd spot him somewhere on West Savannah (out with the giraffes and Ankole cattle and such).

So yesterday was the magical day.  Their first day on show.  They put burlap all around the reserve to help protect them, just in case they got a little "lost."  And we got the little cards that had random Sable facts on them.  More Sable facts than the ones we had already memorized.

The only problem?  They didn't happen to warn us that baby Sable Antelope look absolutely nothing like adults. I mean, seriously.  Look:

So I was driving around and looked out, looking for a small group of Sables and instead saw two adults and several little reddish looking things.  I wanted to say, "What in the heck is that!?"  But of course, it's easy to figure out in that situation, since I knew every animal on the reserve except that one.  I'm just glad I didn't misidentify a squirrel or something as a baby sable.  The main thing I was worried about was that I didn't know how big the babies were, so I was scared I'd hit one.  But there were trucks parked all around the reserve both keeping an eye on the sables and keeping an eye on us drivers.  It all went well.

And I'm really excited for our newest addition! They really are adorable.

And in closing, something stupid I said on the safari yesterday (this could seriously be a daily thing here, stupid things I say).  This comment made my whole entire truck burst out laughing.  Soooo embarrassing: "The male lions of the pride are generally all females."

Meant to say, "The female lions of the pride are generally all sisters.(or at least closely related)"

1 comment:

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

The males are all females? Sounds like you might be dySEXic, eh?