Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rainy Day With No Roomies

Of course, as Idaho weather is horrible and unpredictable I'm not even surprised that the canoe trip was canceled. Again.

In happier news, Breyers ice cream is on sale for $2.88 at Broulims. I bought some last night because my roommates wanted smoothies. But I'm not really a smoothie lover so I made a milkshake. I inherited a smoothie maker from my previous roommate. I figured we should use it at least once.

Our apartment has officially dwindled to half it's usual capacity and I'm left with my own room! And an entire day to relax! I was supposed to have an exam open today, but my teacher still hasn't opened it. I'm hoping she forgot and I won't have to do it this weekend! Yeah, that is a real possibility. She forgets things a lot.

I'm kinda freaking out about classes because of the five classes I have only received one grade back in three of them (two exams and a project) and nothing back from the other two. And we're halfway through the semester. Seriously, I have literally no clue how I'm going to do this semester.

Anyway, hope your days go great! It's wet and cold and slushy and mucky outside with all gray skies and disgusting mud. It's one of those days where I think I'll make soup and curl up in my nice warm blankets and play with my new ITouch read. It's gonna be a good day now. I can tell. :)

***Oh, and so far every single person I've asked has responded that a vacuum tube is a tube on a vacuum and nothing more, however some asked if there were dirty connotations***

1 comment:

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Looks like it's just you and me, kid. I predicted a long time ago that everyone would just kinda drift away from Blogging, so it looks like Blogging has run its course. Catkim hasn't updated in almost 2 months, Bryan in almost 2 years, Mom posts something every now and then, but everyone else seems to have disappeared. Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted. I'll be posting some more pics when I return to the Rocky Mtns next month, so look for them. Keep up the good work. Don't forget to call G'ma Fordham every now and then, she's lonely.