Monday, March 22, 2010

A Bunch Of Random Updates

-I have Spanish class every MTWTh. On M and W I go down the hill to Mass Media and on T and Th I go up the hill to Humanities. This is a very horrible setup. I always forget which class I need to go to and walk the wrong way and then realize this fact and have to do the whole "awkward turn around and walk the opposite direction" thing. This was made extra weird today since after class, Sean caught up to me and wanted to talk about something and while I was talking to him I remembered that I was walking in the exact opposite direction I wanted to go. But I couldn't just turn around and start walking the opposite direction while talking to him... ugh. Story of my life.

-There is nothing that bugs me more in a teacher than when they speak so quietly I have to strain my ears to catch what they're saying. Usually my college teachers don't do this. It's normally my church teachers who speak uber quiet and it drives me insane. I eventually just stop even trying to pay attention and draw pictures on paper. But I'm a crappy artist, so I then get annoyed with myself. It's a never ending cycle of annoyance when people speak quietly.

-It also annoys me when people want to have full on conversations with me in the middle of a teacher's lesson. This girl in my Organizational Comm class does this frequently. "Oh my gosh, Dianna, do you see that red headed boy over there? I think he's looking at me. He is like, so cute. Don't you think so!? Like oh my gosh!"

-Speaking of good looking men... The guy that sits next to me in Spanish looks exactly like Taylor Lautner. Exactly.

-I went to my friend Krystal's birthday party yesterday and we played Apples to Apples. It's been a loooong time since I've played that game. It was way fun, plus she had the yummiest cake ever.

-I'm really excited for all of my classes next semester. There are a lot but they all sound fun. The downside is I accidentally signed up for 21 credits. The upside is that I'll have room to drop two. The downside is that I can't think of any I'll want to drop because they all sound fun and I have to take them eventually anyway.

-I recently found the game ZZT online. It's this computer game I used to play as I kid. I had forgotten how difficult that game was, but it's also so fun!

-Healthcare bill passed. I've been spending today figuring out exactly what that means for me... as well as keeping up with my paper that's due tomorrow and printing off some notes from the conference I attended Thursday and preparing for my trip to Utah this Thursday.

-My left arm's been twitching a lot lately. Like for the past three weeks. I wonder if this will be a permanent twitch. Like in "The Kid."

-Our bathroom is missing the little toilet paper roll holder thing. So we keep our TP on the back of the toilet. I'm a lefty. My roommate's a righty. You can always tell who was in the bathroom last because I always leave the TP on the left side of the toilet and she leaves it on the right side. TMI, I know, but it makes me laugh.

-My friend made me brownies yesterday (that's right, I have great friends! Be jealous!). When she was cooking them she decided that 2 cups of sugar sounded like a lot of sugar so she only added one deciding the recipe was wrong. Well... the recipe was actually right. 2 cups in fact is NOT a lot of sugar when you're making chocolate brownies. Some people said they were bitter. I actually loved them. They had Ghiradelli chocolate chips in them and basically tasted like dark chocolate brownies. Totally amazing after I drank milk with them. I loved them! In fact, I'm asking for her recipe and will probably make them again... adding only half the sugar. :)

-I just went to eat the last of said brownies and discovered that it's snowing outside. For the first time all month! All the snow was melted in fact. We've had beautiful weather. I haven't even put on my coat all month. AND IT'S SNOWING!!! I don't get how something so huge and hot and powerful and bright and NOT DO IT'S JOB IN REXBURG!

-I checked out a book from the library to read for a class. Someone has gone through this book and highlighted, underlined, and done all kind of things to the book. This annoyed me at first, until I realized that every single word in the book that I don't know has been defined for me and then the explanation of each of these difficult sentences has been written in the margins. Awww, how nice.

-I need to finish that book by tomorrow and have a paper written on it. I still have 200 pages left to go. I'm going to stop here. :)


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Hint from an insider: Whatever you do, do NOT engage in conversation with a fellow student while the professor is teaching a lesson. Every single professor I know makes a mental note of who it is that talks during a lecture, and they put really really bad badsy points in their grade book. I personally have in my syllabus that I will deduct 20% of a students entire course grade (yep, that's two full letter grades!) for "unprofessional conduct in the classroom", and my syllabus specifically says that talking, whispering, or even passing notes during class is a major infraction. Other profs I know don't bother putting it in the syllabus but they take off bigtime, and especially if a student is on the borderline between grades. So resist the temptation to even LOOK at another student who is talking during class. Fix your eyes on the professor, even if the professor doesn't seem to paying attention to the talker. If you want to get some goodsie points with the prof, loudly go "SSSHHHH!" to the student doing the talking. Or better yet, say, "Ssshhhh, I can't hear the professor".

dubby said...

I often use the half the sugar in brownies. Yup, bring out the chocolate!

Utah Mommy said...

1. Listen to your father.

2. You make brownies from scratch??? lol

3. Read my comment on your post titled Ph.D. and then drop the two classes being taught by professors who AREN'T working on this dissertations. Kidding, ha ha!