Monday, March 15, 2010

Why I'm Failing Spanish

Today in class the teacher was teaching off of a powerpoint. There were loads of words and things we didn't understand. Finally, one of the students asked the teacher...

"What's comeremos?"

"That's the future form of 'we eat.' Oh, I guess you guys wouldn't know that. Man, there's a lot of new stuff on here."

Our teacher looked at the powerpoint a little more, "Ohhh, that's the problem, this is a 302 presentation, not a 202 presentation."

The whole class was silent as the teacher tried to figure out what to do/change. Then the student raised his hand again, "Sir? Are you aware we're only in Spanish 102?

Yeah, my teacher's used to teaching 300 and 400 level classes. Obviously not 100 level. Ugh!


Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Sounds like you're surrounded, too... eh?

King Isepik said...

That would do it... :)