Saturday, March 20, 2010

One Of Many Final Papers

I've been working on two final projects/papers today. Both for the same class. Yep. One class requires two huge final papers. And when I say huge I mean one is about 5-7 pages and the other is 10-12. So they're not really that huge. But still, they're important.

So the one I was gonna write about is the paper where I have to pick a company and basically analyze the heck out of it. I really wanted to pick Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. This teacher has shown "Office" clips in class, has a sense of humor, and loves creativity and new ideas. I was just slightly nervous at the fact that I'd be making the big final paper of the semester into a joke. And the fact that there's info I need to talk about in this paper that isn't available for Dunder Mifflin.

The benefit of using Dunder Mifflin is that it's dysfunctional enough that I'd have plenty to write about. But instead I chose a highly NOT dysfunctional company. Pretty sure you can guess what it is, though, seeing as how I'm obsessed with it.

Oh, speaking of Disney... ;) With my acceptance letter came a pair of 3D glasses and a black paper saying something cheesy like "Dr. Evilness is out to take over the world! Rescue the universe and log onto and save the planets by doing Disney trivia!"

So I went to the website, put on my handy 3D glasses, and played their video game. Yes, I am that much of a dork. It's actually hilarious and cheesy! The cheesiest thing ever, but sooooo Disney! Basically you have to pick a planet to "rescue." You then have to click on the moons around the planet to learn trivia about the various aspects of Disney, and then when you've read everything, you have to "take over the planet" by doing a little quiz. When you win a planet you get a key. You then have more stuff to do with the keys. The rest is more complicated, but you get the basic point. Oh, and it's all in 3D.

I'm ranked number 13 out of I don't know how many people. I think at this point I've done everything in the game except "collect all the hidden mickey's." Love it!

Anyway, back to my paper that I should be working on....


Unknown said...

Dunder will be so disappointed. And you need to stop following your sister!

Obliviocelot said...

Wait, why's she following me? How's she doing that from all the way in Idaho?

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

You're still in school. Focus. ... Focus.